Edguy makes no real effort to change up formula of each track, and as the album drags on, the songs begin to start sounding similar to each other. Often enough, the poor song writing renders any possible momentum built up be the ever so slightly interesting intros useless (see Catch of the Century), and the material becomes quite dull. Unfortunately, these particular songs suffer the same fate as their rock-ish counterparts. This is fairly evident in the likes of Out of the Vogue, Return to the Tribe, and the Asylum. But despite this obvious rock influence, there are still a few songs with power metal overtones. The music in these songs can get pretty catchy at times, yet when considering that it sounds generic, it isn't a great trade off. Songs such as Save Me, Trinidad, and ***ing With Fire have been taken directly from the hair metal vault of riffs, a vault that, quite frankly, should never have seen the light of day ever again. Instead, we're have here is an hour of cringe worthy, uninspired rock that fails to live up to its hype. Now I have no problem with bands who try to change up their style, but it has to be done tastefully. In what is likely an effort to switch up their sound, Edguy has mixed their power metal sound with the recognizable hair metal/80's hard rock sound. Musically is one of the areas where the band hits rock bottom, and the impact is quite hard. Despite reading several positive reviews around the press and the net regarding the band's latest offering, I can't see at all how Edguy creates something productive on Rocket Ride.

Because, my friends, they've stooped to a brand low here. From the album artwork down to the songs to ***ing with Fire (Hair Force One), you really have to wonder what Toby and friends were thinking when putting together their 2006 release. If Kai Hansen was dead, he'd be turning in his grave.

None of the albums I've heard from this German quintet were completely unlistenable, there were weak sections for sure, but the final package always turned out to be pretty satisfactory.

Mandrake was pretty cool, sure, but aside from that they've seemed more like a tier two power metal band than anything else. Edguy was never one of my favourite bands.