This is why i recommend to use the "Try-A-Dummy"-Feature and deleting the backup after you tested it.Story. If this happens you will have to reinstall the game on your vita.

This will additionally reduce the chance of getting stuck or experience crashes. I'm currently working on an advanced shrinking system, where movie files get replaced by short dummy movies which the game can actually load / play. (This saves you from having to reinstall the game if you shrinked a file that is obligatory for the the game) After you tested the game you can then decide to make this change permanent or undo it. Game Shrinker comes with a "Try-A-Dummy"-Feature, which let's you temporary replace a file with a dummy-file. Depending on the game and file, you still cannot shrink every file, though. Shrinking files to 0-Byte is usually better supported than completely deleting them and reduces the chance of crashes and getting stuck when the file would usually be accessed by the game.
Game Shrinker automatically searches for manuals, language (text, audio, images) and video files in the game directories and offers you the possibility to shrink them to 0-Byte. Save valuable space on your memory card by shrinking unneeded manuals, language and video files to 0-Byte files.